Olga Zayts-Spence

Sue Baker
Inaugural Public Lecture in Communication in Healthcare
Hong Kong, 2019
Public Lectures Organizing
Organizer (with Mind HK), Inaugural Public Lecture on Communication in Healthcare: Sue Baker, Global Director of Time to Change, UK, “Ending the Stigma Around Mental Health Worldwide”, Hong Kong, 13 November 2018.
Professional Colloquiums / Workshops
Zayts, O. (2012). Invited colloquium "Genetic Consultations / Counselling in South Asia". 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Human Genetics, Kuala Lumpur. (Organizer and speaker, other invited speakers: Prof. Srikant Sarangi and heads of clinical genetic services & lead geneticists in South Asia), 5-8 December 2012.
“Communication in Genetic Counseling: Telephone Mode of Communication”. Workshop for genetic and genetic counseling professionals, Clinical Genetic Services, Department of Health of the Government of the Hong Kong SAR. 20 August 2012.
“Discourse Analysis of Healthcare Communication”. Workshop for genetic and genetic counseling professionals. Clinical Genetic Services, Department of Health of the Government of the Hong Kong SAR. 23 December 2011.
“Communicating with Patients in Genetic Counseling Setting in Hong Kong”. International workshop, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 24-25 July 2011. (Invited speakers: Prof. Srikant Sarangi, Prof. Angus Clarke & Prof. Alison Pilnick).
Zayts, O. (2010). Invited colloquium “Advice giving in genetic counseling”. 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Human Genetics , Hong Kong. (Organizer & 1 out of 5 invited speakers; other invited speakers: Prof. Srikant Sarangi, Prof. Angus Clarke, Prof. Claire Penn & Dr. Tina Wessels), 30 November 2010.
The invited colloquium that I organized grew into a pre-conference workshop that has since become a regular part of the programme at the bi-annual Asia Pacific Conference on Human Genetics
Series of regular small-scale workshops for genetic and genetic counselling professionals involved in the provision of genetic counseling services
Collaboration with 2 direct-to-consumer genetic testing companies in Hong Kong on the project on marketization and commodification of genetic testing. 2015 –2019
17 years of collaboration with public hospitals (Queen Mary & Tsan Yuk) & Clinical Genetic Services, Department of Health, the Government of Hong Kong SAR spinning 3 RGC GRF grants, numerous publications, conference papers, workshops, colloquia and panels at conferences, and a major international conference.