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Olga Zayts-Spence
Impact on Vulnerable Groups
University graduates’ transitions to post-covid-19 workplaces: The impacts of the pandemic and adjusting to “new normal” work orders. (C7075-23W). Collaborative Research Funding, RGC. Project Coordinator. HKD 3,913,430.
The educational, social and health impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on university graduates transitioning to the workforce in Hong Kong. (C7086-21G). Collaborative Research Funding, RGC. Project Coordinator. HKD 1 500 000. On-going.
Sharing experiences, negotiating knowledge and coping with the pandemic: A discourse analytic study of working mothers’ online interactions during the COVID-19 outbreak. SEED Funding Programme for Basic Research, University of Hong Kong. Principal Investigator. HKD 90 000. On-going.
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